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Automated Garden Care System Uses Water to Target Plants and Pests

**GardenSpace: The Ultimate Gardening Companion**

Gardening can be a rewarding and fulfilling hobby, but it can also be time-consuming and labor-intensive. For those who love the idea of having a beautiful garden but don’t necessarily enjoy all the work that goes into maintaining it, GardenSpace may be the perfect solution. This innovative robotic device takes the hassle out of gardening by automatically monitoring, watering, and protecting your plants, leaving you with more time to simply enjoy your outdoor space.

**Easy Setup and Integration**

One of the key features of GardenSpace is its ease of setup and integration into your existing garden. The device gets hooked up to your backyard water supply and connects to your household Wi-Fi, allowing you to monitor and control it remotely through a dedicated app. With an integrated battery that is continuously charged by an onboard solar panel, GardenSpace is completely self-sufficient and doesn’t require any additional power source.

Upon initial setup, you can use the app to input information about the plants in your garden or receive guidance on planting a new garden. GardenSpace then uses this information to establish a personalized watering schedule based on local weather conditions. The device’s swiveling camera head keeps a watchful eye on your plants 24/7, using a thermal sensor to analyze their leaves and determine when they need water.

**Smart Watering System**

GardenSpace’s smart watering system is designed to ensure that your plants receive the right amount of water at the right time. When a plant is in need of hydration, GardenSpace delivers a sustained stream of water from a nozzle beside its camera, reaching plants up to 8 feet away with average mains water pressure. This targeted approach helps prevent overwatering and ensures that each plant gets the individual care it needs.

In addition to watering your plants, GardenSpace also doubles as a pest deterrent. Using a motion detector, the device can detect when pests such as rabbits are approaching your garden and respond by shooting a stream of water to scare them away without causing harm. This added layer of protection helps keep your plants safe and healthy, even in the presence of unwanted visitors.

**Kickstarter Campaign and Future Plans**

If you’re interested in incorporating GardenSpace into your gardening routine, you can support the project through its Kickstarter campaign. A pledge of $229 will secure you a unit once they reach production, with a planned retail price of $399. By backing the campaign, you not only gain access to this innovative gardening tool but also contribute to the development of future enhancements and features.

**Final Thoughts**

GardenSpace is a game-changer for anyone looking to simplify their gardening experience without sacrificing the beauty and health of their plants. With its automated monitoring, watering, and pest protection capabilities, this robotic device offers a hands-off approach to gardening that is both convenient and effective. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting out, GardenSpace is a valuable tool that can help you achieve the garden of your dreams with minimal effort. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to revolutionize your gardening routine – back GardenSpace on Kickstarter today and reap the benefits of a smarter, more efficient garden tomorrow.