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HomeRobotic Lawn TrimmersCan robotic lawn mowers harm hedgehogs? Dr. Hedgehog reveals the truth

Can robotic lawn mowers harm hedgehogs? Dr. Hedgehog reveals the truth

**Robotic Lawn Mowers and Hedgehog Safety: Investigating the Connection**

Every spring and summer, heartbreaking images of injured hedgehogs circulate in the media, sparking concern among garden owners about the safety of using robotic lawn mowers. These innocent creatures are often admitted to hedgehog rehabilitation centers with various cuts and wounds, some of which prove to be fatal. While known risks such as garden trimmers and dog bites contribute to hedgehog injuries, there is a growing concern in several European countries that robotic lawn mowers may also be responsible for harming these beloved animals.

**Dr. Hedgehog to the Rescue**

As the only full-time hedgehog researcher in Denmark, Dr. Sophie Lund Rasmussen, also known as Dr. Hedgehog, took it upon herself to investigate the potential link between robotic lawn mowers and hedgehog injuries. With a passion for conservation and a dedication to making a difference, Dr. Hedgehog set out to unravel the mystery surrounding this pressing issue.

**Increasing Safety for Hedgehogs in Your Garden**

Hedgehogs, being nocturnal creatures, may occasionally be active during the day for various reasons. To ensure their safety in gardens with robotic lawn mowers, it is recommended to limit the operation of these machines to daylight hours. Additionally, garden owners should carefully check for any hedgehogs or other vulnerable wildlife on the lawn before starting the robotic mower.

**Tests on Dead Hedgehogs**

In collaboration with colleagues from Aalborg University, the Natural History Museum of Denmark, and WildCRU University of Oxford, Dr. Hedgehog conducted a groundbreaking study on the effects of robotic lawn mowers on hedgehogs. Testing 18 different models with varying technical features, the researchers discovered that all the robotic lawn mowers had to physically interact with the hedgehogs to detect them.

**Huge Differences Between Machines**

The study revealed significant disparities in how different robotic lawn mowers responded to encountering hedgehogs. While some machines gently nudged the hedgehogs and changed direction, others failed to detect them and ran over the animals. The presence of features like pivoting blades and skid plates played a crucial role in determining the safety of the machines for hedgehogs.

**An Alarming Discovery**

Dr. Hedgehog was shocked by the contrasting performance of robotic lawn mowers in the tests, especially considering her positive experiences with a robotic vacuum cleaner. Witnessing the damage caused to the dead hedgehogs by some machines was a sobering experience, highlighting the urgent need for improved safety measures in robotic lawn mowers.

**Hedgehog-Friendly Robotic Lawn Mowers?**

The research findings emphasized the importance of technical features like pivoting blades in reducing the risk of harm to hedgehogs. While some models demonstrated enhanced safety, others still posed a threat to the animals. The next step involves communicating these insights to manufacturers to facilitate the development of more hedgehog-friendly robotic lawn mowers.

**Would Live Hedgehogs Run Away?**

While the study focused on the impact of robotic lawn mowers on dead hedgehogs, the risk to live, wild hedgehogs remains uncertain. The natural defense mechanisms of hedgehogs, including their ability to outrun potential threats, suggest that most animals may avoid collisions with robotic lawn mowers. However, further research is needed to assess the actual risk to live hedgehogs in the wild.

**Consumer Guidance**

Although the study shed light on the dangers posed by certain robotic lawn mowers to hedgehogs, it is premature to designate specific models as safe for these animals. Ongoing research aims to develop standardized tests and a labeling system to guide consumers towards purchasing hedgehog-friendly robotic lawn mowers. The ultimate goal is to ensure the safety of hedgehogs while maintaining the convenience of robotic lawn care devices.


The investigation into the impact of robotic lawn mowers on hedgehogs has revealed crucial insights that can inform conservation efforts and consumer choices. By addressing the safety concerns associated with these machines, we can protect hedgehogs and other wildlife while enjoying the benefits of modern technology in our gardens. Dr. Hedgehog’s pioneering research serves as a beacon of hope for the preservation of these beloved creatures in the face of evolving challenges.