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HomeGardening Smart ToolsCountry Garden, a property developer, makes significant investment in robotics for construction,...

Country Garden, a property developer, makes significant investment in robotics for construction, agriculture, restaurants, and homes

Review: Country Garden’s Fully Automated Restaurant, Foodom


Country Garden Holdings Co. Ltd., China’s largest property developer, has recently made headlines with the opening of its first fully automated restaurant, Foodom, in Guangzhou. With a vision to revolutionize the way we dine, Country Garden has invested heavily in robotics and automation, setting a new standard for the future of the food industry.

The Concept

Foodom is not just a restaurant; it is a glimpse into the future of dining. With 32 industrial robots in the kitchen alone, the restaurant boasts a fully automated cooking and food preparation process. From slicing and dicing to grilling and frying, these robots handle it all with precision and efficiency.

But the innovation doesn’t stop there. AI-powered robots greet guests at the entrance, guide them to their tables, and even take their orders. The seamless integration of technology throughout the dining experience sets Foodom apart from traditional restaurants and showcases Country Garden’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of automation.

The Experience

Walking into Foodom feels like stepping into a sci-fi movie. The futuristic ambiance, coupled with the sight of robots bustling around the kitchen, creates a sense of wonder and excitement. Guests are not just dining; they are part of a technological spectacle that is as entertaining as it is efficient.

Ordering is a breeze with the AI-powered robots, who are programmed to understand and cater to each guest’s preferences. The food itself is a culinary delight, with a menu curated by top chefs to showcase the capabilities of the robotic kitchen. From traditional Chinese dishes to international cuisine, Foodom offers a diverse range of options to satisfy every palate.

The Vision

Country Garden’s investment in robotics goes beyond just the restaurant industry. With plans to mass-produce construction robots and automate various aspects of their business, the company is paving the way for a future where technology drives efficiency and innovation.

Founder Yang Guoqiang’s ambitious goal of replicating Foodom 1,000 times across China within two years speaks to the company’s commitment to scaling up automation and setting new standards for the industry. By combining cutting-edge technology with a focus on customer experience, Country Garden is redefining the way we think about dining and setting a new benchmark for the future.


Country Garden’s Foodom is more than just a restaurant; it is a testament to the power of technology and innovation. By leveraging robotics and automation, the company has created a dining experience that is not only efficient but also captivating. As we look towards the future, Foodom serves as a beacon of what is possible when we embrace technology and push the boundaries of what is achievable in the food industry.

With its fully automated kitchen, AI-powered service robots, and commitment to mass production of construction robots, Country Garden is leading the way towards a future where automation is not just a novelty but a necessity. Foodom is just the beginning of a new era in dining, and we can’t wait to see what Country Garden has in store next.