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Country Garden Launches Restaurant Run Entirely by Robots

The Future of Dining: Country Garden Robot Restaurant Complex

In a bold move that may revolutionize the dining industry, Country Garden, a prominent property developer in China, has unveiled a restaurant complex operated entirely by robots. Located in Shunde, Guangdong province, this innovative establishment eliminates most human-to-human contact, offering a glimpse into how businesses may adapt in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.

A New Era of Automation

Country Garden’s subsidiary, Qianxi Robot Catering Group, has spearheaded this groundbreaking project, showcasing a complete industry chain that integrates back-end supply production, robotic cooking, restaurant operations, and robot management. The 2,000 square meter restaurant complex boasts 20 robots capable of serving a diverse menu of Chinese cuisine, fast food, clay-pot rice, and hot pot dishes. With a menu featuring 200 items that can be delivered within 20 seconds of ordering, the restaurant can accommodate up to 600 diners simultaneously.

Scaling Up for Success

Looking ahead, Qianxi Group plans to expand its footprint by establishing additional centralized kitchens in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. The goal is to achieve mass production of robots, with an anticipated output of 5,000 units per year by 2020. This strategic growth plan underscores the company’s commitment to innovation and efficiency in the food service industry.

Ensuring Safety and Quality

One of the key challenges in operating a fully automated robot restaurant is addressing customer concerns about food safety and quality. To address this, Qianxi Group’s robots have undergone rigorous safety certifications, including the China Robot (CR) certifications from the National Robot Testing and Accreditation Center. By adhering to the technical specifications for robot safety in the food sector, the company has set a new standard for ensuring the reliability and performance of its robotic workforce.

Adapting to a Post-Pandemic World

The timing of the robot restaurant complex’s launch is particularly poignant in light of the ongoing coronavirus outbreak. With many consumers hesitant to dine out due to health and safety concerns, the concept of a fully automated dining experience offers a compelling solution. By eliminating human contact in the food preparation process, the restaurant provides a level of reassurance that traditional establishments may struggle to match.

Embracing the Future of Dining

While the concept of robot-operated restaurants is not new, the current global health crisis has accelerated the adoption of automation in the food service industry. From robot chefs to automated servers, technology is reshaping the way we experience dining out. Country Garden’s robot restaurant complex represents a bold step forward in this evolution, offering a glimpse into a future where efficiency, safety, and innovation converge to create a truly unique dining experience.


The Country Garden robot restaurant complex stands as a testament to the power of innovation and adaptation in the face of unprecedented challenges. By embracing automation and technology, Qianxi Group has redefined the dining experience, setting a new standard for safety, efficiency, and quality in the food service industry. As we navigate the complexities of a post-pandemic world, initiatives like this serve as a beacon of hope and inspiration, pointing the way toward a brighter, more resilient future for all.