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Mainland developer Country Garden invests in robotics to become the world’s leading intelligent catering group

**Title: Revolutionizing the Catering Industry: Qianxi Robotics Group’s Innovative Approach**

In a rapidly evolving world where technology plays a crucial role in shaping various industries, Qianxi Robotics Group, a subsidiary of Country Garden, is making waves with its innovative approach towards revolutionizing the catering industry. With a vision to become the largest intelligent catering group globally, Qianxi Robotics Group is at the forefront of introducing cutting-edge robotic solutions that cater to the changing needs of consumers in the post-pandemic era.

**Exploring the Potential of Going Public:**
Xiao Ran, deputy general manager of Qianxi Robotics Group, expressed the company’s intention to go public to leverage financing opportunities and gain more recognition in the market. While the firm is yet to post a profit, the decision to list shares either on the mainland or in Hong Kong reflects its strategic growth plans amidst the evolving regulatory landscape in China.

**Diversification and Expansion Strategy:**
Country Garden’s diversification into non-property development-related businesses, including construction, hotels, robots, agriculture, and new retail, underscores its commitment to exploring new avenues for revenue generation. With these businesses contributing to a small percentage of its total revenue, the company’s expansion plan gains significance in light of the regulatory changes impacting the sector.

**Rise of Robotics in the Catering Industry:**
The increasing adoption of robots in China’s catering industry, valued at 4.3 trillion yuan, is driven by mounting labor pressures and the heightened focus on health and safety post-COVID-19. Consumers’ preference for reduced human contact has propelled the demand for smart catering solutions, positioning companies like Qianxi Robotics Group at the forefront of this technological shift.

**Strategic Growth Initiatives:**
Qianxi Robotics Group’s ambitious plans to add five production lines this year to increase its annual production capacity to 60,000 robots highlight its commitment to meeting the growing market demand. By focusing on the Greater Bay Area, known for its economic vibrancy and tech-savvy population, the company aims to capitalize on the region’s potential for innovation and growth.

**Competitive Landscape and Future Outlook:**
As the service robot segment in China is projected to capture 30% of the global market, Qianxi Robotics Group faces competition from established players like Siasun Robot & Automation and Suzhou Pangolin Robot. Start-ups like Shenzhen Pudu Technology further intensify the competition, signaling a dynamic market environment where innovation and differentiation are key to success.

In conclusion, Qianxi Robotics Group’s foray into the catering industry with its advanced robotic solutions signifies a paradigm shift in how businesses adapt to changing consumer preferences and technological advancements. With a strong focus on innovation, expansion, and strategic partnerships, the company is poised to lead the charge in transforming the catering landscape and setting new standards for intelligent dining experiences. As the market continues to evolve, Qianxi Robotics Group’s vision of becoming a global leader in smart catering equipment remains within reach, promising a future where robots seamlessly integrate into our daily lives.