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Review of the Dreame L10s Ultra: Our Thoughts on this Multi-functional Robot Vacuum

Review: Dreame L10s Ultra Robot Vacuum Cleaner and Mop


The Dreame L10s Ultra is a robot vacuum cleaner and mop that offers a complete cleaning solution for hard floors. With its powerful suction, intelligent navigation, and innovative washing capabilities, the Dreame L10s Ultra is a top contender in the robot vacuum market. In this review, we will delve into the design, performance, setup, maintenance, and pricing of the Dreame L10s Ultra to help you decide if it’s the right choice for your home.

Dreame L10s Ultra Design: Solid Design

The Dreame L10s Ultra features a high-end design with a large base station. The robot vacuum cleaner has a round shape with strong suction power of up to 5300 Pa and a battery capacity of 5200 mAh. It utilizes laser navigation and AI functions to navigate and clean efficiently. The robot is 9.7 centimeters high and includes buttons for zone cleaning, start cleaning, and returning to the base. The base station automatically empties the dust bin and cleans the wiping discs, making maintenance easier.

Dreame L10s Ultra Setup

The setup of the Dreame L10s Ultra is quick and easy, requiring no more than 10 minutes. The robot works with two applications, Xiaomi Mi Home and a dedicated app, offering comprehensive control and customization options. The robot maps the house during the first pass, allowing users to define rooms, set virtual walls, and create no-wash zones. The Dreame L10s Ultra is compatible with Amazon Alexa, Google Home, and Apple Siri for seamless integration into smart home ecosystems.

Dreame L10s Ultra Performance: Worth the Price


The Dreame L10s Ultra excels in suction performance, navigating methodically and efficiently. It adapts well to different surfaces and obstacles, avoiding entanglement and effectively cleaning pet hair. The robot identifies and avoids obstacles, ensuring thorough cleaning. The AI-powered camera recognizes objects and enhances navigation, making it ideal for pet owners.


The Dreame L10s Ultra innovates in washing capabilities, with rotating discs and adjustable water usage for effective floor cleaning. The robot leaves a clean floor but may leave uncleaned strips along walls. The base station handles the maintenance of mops, but regular cleaning and maintenance are required to ensure optimal performance.


Equipped with a camera, the Dreame L10s Ultra offers remote monitoring capabilities, allowing users to view and listen to their home remotely. The robot notifies when filming to respect privacy and offers added security features.

Dreame L10s Ultra Maintenance: A Demanding Interview

The Dreame L10s Ultra requires regular maintenance to ensure optimal performance. The base station handles some maintenance tasks, but manual cleaning of brushes, filters, and disposable bags is necessary. Regular cleaning of the recovery tanks and base station is essential to prevent odors and maintain efficiency.

Dreame L10s Ultra Price and Availability

The Dreame L10s Ultra is priced at 1,199 euros, positioning it as a premium option in the robot vacuum market. Despite the price, the Dreame L10s Ultra offers competitive features compared to its competitors. It is available for purchase, offering a comprehensive cleaning solution for hard floors.

Overall, the Dreame L10s Ultra is a solid choice for those with hard floors and large surface areas. With its powerful suction, intelligent navigation, and innovative washing capabilities, the Dreame L10s Ultra offers a complete cleaning solution for modern homes.