Review: Protecting Hedgehogs from Robotic Lawnmowers
The Decline of the Hedgehog Population
Hedgehogs, once a common sight in gardens and countryside, are now facing a decline in population. The loss of suitable habitat, including hedges, woody plants, and meadows, has contributed to this decline. Urbanization has also impacted hedgehogs, with city-dwelling hedgehogs struggling to find food and shelter in sealed areas and gravel gardens. The Leibnitz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research has highlighted the loss of habitat, decline in prey availability, and increased dangers from human activities as major factors in the decline of hedgehog populations.
The Threat of Robotic Lawnmowers
One of the major threats to hedgehogs in modern gardens is robotic lawnmowers. Hedgehogs, known for curling up when threatened, are at risk of being injured or killed by these automated devices. Research conducted by the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research found that most robotic lawnmowers were unable to detect and avoid hedgehogs, leading to severe injuries such as cuts, severed limbs, and even decapitation. The institute also documented numerous cases of hedgehog injuries caused by electric garden care devices, with nearly half of the injured hedgehogs not surviving.
Tips for Protecting Hedgehogs in the Garden
If you want to help protect hedgehogs in your garden, there are several steps you can take. Avoid using robotic lawnmowers during the night when hedgehogs are active, and create a garden environment that is close to nature with native plants and toxin-free gardening practices. Provide shelter for hedgehogs by creating piles of wood or leaves, ensuring permeable garden fences, and setting up shallow water bowls for drinking. Be mindful of potential hazards such as construction pits, compost heaps, and leaf vacuums, and take precautions to avoid trapping or harming hedgehogs.
Further Resources
The Federal Nature Conservation Association offers additional tips on protecting and helping hedgehogs in the wild. As the population of hedgehogs continues to decline due to various human activities, it is important for gardeners and nature enthusiasts to take proactive steps to ensure the safety and well-being of these beloved creatures.
Overall, the threat posed by robotic lawnmowers to hedgehogs highlights the importance of responsible gardening practices and wildlife conservation efforts. By taking simple steps to create a hedgehog-friendly environment in your garden, you can help protect these iconic creatures for future generations to enjoy.