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Top-rated lawn edging shears – Which?

**Review: The Best Lawn Edging Shears for a Neat and Quiet Lawn**

Lawn edging shears are a must-have tool for any gardener looking to maintain a tidy and well-kept lawn. Unlike noisy grass trimmers, edging shears offer a quieter and more precise way to trim the edges of your lawn. In this review, we will explore the key features to look for in a pair of lawn edging shears, as well as highlight the best options available based on testing by Which? Gardening.

**Best Lawn Edging Shears from Our Test**

Which? Gardening recently tested 10 pairs of lawn edging shears to determine the best options on the market. The testing criteria included factors such as back strain, neatness of cut, handling weight, ease of use, cushioned blades, and comfort of hand grips. The shears were scored based on their vertical cutting performance, with the overall score reflecting a combination of these factors.

Only logged-in Which? members have access to the full test results and Best Buy recommendations. By joining Which?, you can gain instant access to the top-rated lawn edging shears from their test.

**How to Sharpen Your Lawn Edging Shears**

To ensure that your lawn edging shears continue to perform at their best, it’s important to regularly sharpen the blades. Lawn edging shears cut with a scissor-like action, pressing the cutting blade against the anvil to cleanly trim the grass without crushing the stems. Sharpeners can be made of stone, steel, or carbide, with the goal of maintaining the original cutting edge by sharpening at an acute angle.

When sharpening your shears, use small circular motions along the blade’s cutting edge, making sure to cover the entire abrasive area of your sharpening tool. Additionally, stroke once along the back of the blade to remove any metal burrs. It’s essential to only sharpen the cutting edge and not the inside or flat side of the blade to maintain its effectiveness.

**How to Buy the Best Edging Shears**

When shopping for lawn edging shears, consider the length of the handles as a crucial factor in ensuring comfort during use. Telescopic models may be a good option for households with gardeners of varying heights, allowing for adjustable handle lengths. While swivel-headed models offer versatility for horizontal cuts, it’s essential to ensure that the blades are long enough for effective cutting in both vertical and horizontal directions.

Testing out different models before making a purchase can help you find the best fit for your needs. By choosing the right lawn edging shears, you can make the task of maintaining your lawn edges much more manageable and enjoyable.

**How We Tested Lawn Edging Shears**

Which? Gardening enlisted the help of four gardeners with varying heights to test 10 pairs of lawn edging shears. The gardeners used the shears to trim five meters of vertical lawn edges around trial beds, evaluating the comfort and effectiveness of each pair. The goal was to find shears that were comfortable to use for gardeners of all heights, as improper tool length can lead to back strain and discomfort.

In conclusion, lawn edging shears offer a quieter and more precise alternative to grass trimmers for maintaining a neat lawn edge. By choosing the right pair of shears based on factors such as handle length, blade sharpness, and comfort features, you can make lawn maintenance a breeze. Join Which? to access their full test results and find the best lawn edging shears for your gardening needs.