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HomeRobotic Lawn EdgersTop Robot Lawn Mowers for 2024: Our Recommended Models Based on Testing

Top Robot Lawn Mowers for 2024: Our Recommended Models Based on Testing

Robot lawn mowers have revolutionized the way we maintain our lawns, offering convenience and efficiency like never before. With a wide range of options available on the market, choosing the right one for your needs can be overwhelming. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the key features to look out for when selecting a robot lawn mower, from basic models to top-of-the-range options.

### Basic Models: Affordable and Easy to Use

At the cheaper end of the scale, around £400, you can find simple robot mowers that are programmed using a control panel on the back. These models typically allow you to set a basic schedule based on mowing for a certain number of hours per day. When in operation, they mow in a straight line until they reach their boundary wire, then perform a turn to head in another direction. These mowers rely solely on the boundary wire for guidance and will move around your garden for a set period or until they need to return to their base station for a recharge.

### Top-of-the-Range Options: Cutting-Edge Technology

For those willing to invest in a top-of-the-range mower, with advanced sensors, sophisticated control apps, and the ability to handle large lawns, the sky’s the limit in terms of features and capabilities. However, be prepared to pay thousands of pounds for these high-end models.

### Key Features to Consider

When shopping for a robot lawn mower, there are several important features to consider to ensure you get the best value for your money:

#### Object Avoidance

While not common in lower-priced models, object avoidance is a valuable safety feature to look out for, especially if you have children or pets around the garden.

#### Maximum Incline

If your garden has steep slopes, make sure to check the maximum incline capability of the mower to ensure it can handle the terrain.

#### Adjustable Cutting Height

Different mowers offer varying cutting height options, so choose one that aligns with your preferred grass length.

#### Maximum Lawn Size

Consider the size of your lawn when selecting a mower, as larger lawns may require a more advanced and expensive model.

#### Replaceable Battery

Ensure that the mower’s battery is replaceable, as regular recharging and exposure to outdoor elements can wear it out over time.

#### Edge Cutting

While no robot mower can edge as precisely as a human, some models offer better edge cutting capabilities than others, reducing the need for secondary trimming.

#### Rain Detection

Look for mowers with rain sensors that can detect wet conditions and delay mowing until the grass is dry to avoid damage.

#### Security Features

Given the investment in a robot lawn mower, consider models with security features such as PIN locks, movement alarms, or tracking devices to prevent theft.

### Conclusion

In conclusion, choosing the right robot lawn mower involves considering a range of features to suit your specific needs and budget. Whether you opt for a basic model with essential functions or a high-end mower with cutting-edge technology, investing in a robot mower can save you time and effort in maintaining a pristine lawn. By carefully evaluating the features mentioned above, you can make an informed decision and enjoy the benefits of a well-maintained garden with minimal effort.