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Zume, the Robotic Pizza Maker, Believes Automation is the Solution to the Food Industry’s Labor Issues

**The Rise of Automation in the Restaurant Industry**

Automation has been making waves in the restaurant industry, with startups like Zume Inc. leading the charge. From pizza preparation to delivery, automation is revolutionizing the way restaurants operate. But what does this mean for the future of the industry and its workforce? Let’s dive into the world of automation and explore its impact on the restaurant industry.

**Zume Inc.: Pioneering Automation in Pizza Preparation**

Zume Inc., founded in 2015, has been at the forefront of automation in the restaurant industry. Their latest addition, the robot “Vincenzo,” is revolutionizing the pizza preparation process by removing pizzas from 800-degree ovens. With robots that recognize when pizzas are done, spread pizza sauce, and move pizzas to racks, Zume is streamlining the pizza-making process like never before.

CEO and chairman Alex Garden is confident in the capabilities of automation, stating that Zume’s Food Delivery Vehicle system can churn out about 120 pizzas per hour. This efficiency is catching the attention of investors, with SoftBank in talks to invest up to $750 million in Zume. With plans to expand into the San Francisco market and beyond, Zume is focused on scaling its technology to make it available to a wide range of food service operators.

**The Great Labor Debate: Automation vs. Human Jobs**

While automation may seem like a solution to rising labor costs, the conversation around its impact on human jobs runs much deeper. According to research, between 6 million and 7.5 million U.S. jobs are at risk due to automation in the coming years. However, Alex Garden believes in a concept he calls “cobotics,” where automation complements human labor rather than replacing it.

Garden emphasizes that automation is meant to eliminate repetitive work and free up employees to focus on higher-value tasks. By incorporating automation into the pizza-making process, Zume is paving the way for a more efficient and productive workforce. Garden points to historical examples like the industrial revolution, where job shifts led to the creation of new, more meaningful roles.

**The Future of Automation in the Restaurant Industry**

As automation continues to make its mark on the restaurant industry, the focus is on creating a balance between technology and human labor. McDonald’s CEO Steve Easterbrook has highlighted the opportunity for transitioning employee roles to more customer service-oriented positions with the rollout of self-order kiosks.

Despite concerns about job displacement, data from the National Restaurant Association indicates that the industry is experiencing record-low unemployment rates. With predictions of continued job growth in the industry, automation is seen as a tool for enhancing efficiency rather than replacing human workers.

**Consumer Preference and the Role of Automation**

While automation is becoming more prevalent in restaurants, consumer preference still leans towards human interaction. Technomic research shows that while 85% of consumers have used self-service kiosks, 60% still prefer service from a human being. This highlights the importance of striking a balance between automation and personalized customer service.

As automation continues to evolve, Alex Garden believes that it will create more jobs in the industry than it will destroy. By leveraging artificial intelligence and automation, restaurants can enhance their operations while providing meaningful work for their employees.

In conclusion, automation is here to stay in the restaurant industry. With companies like Zume leading the charge, the future of automation looks promising. By embracing cobotics and finding the right balance between technology and human labor, restaurants can thrive in an increasingly automated world.